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What is Amazon Digital Service? & How Does It Works

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What is Amazon digital services

Hey there! Are you wondering what Amazon Digital Service is all about? No worries, I have got you covered! Because In this article, we will break it down into simple terms so that you can easily understand it. Amazon Digital Service is a collection of cool things that you can enjoy online. It is like having a whole bunch of entertainment options right at your fingertips! You can stream movies and shows, listen to music, read e-books, and even download apps. It is all about making your digital experience more awesome and fun!

So, if you are ready to learn more about how Amazon Digital Service can level up your online adventures, keep reading. Let’s explore this amazing world together!

What is Amazon digital services

Amazon Digital Services refers to a range of digital products and services offered by Amazon, an online shopping platform. It’s like a collection of cool things you can do and enjoy online. With Amazon Digital Services, you can watch movies and shows, listen to music, read e-books, and even download apps. It’s all about making your online experience more fun and convenient. So, think of it as a world of digital entertainment and useful stuff that you can access right from your computer or mobile device.

Types of Amazon digital services

Absolutely, let us take a closer look at the main types of Amazon Digital Services:

1. Amazon prime

Amazon Prime is a special membership you can sign up for on Amazon, the big online store. When you join Amazon Prime, you pay a fee once a year or every month. This membership gives you a bunch of good stuff when you shop on Amazon and use their other services.

First off, the benefits of using Amazon prime is that when you buy things on Amazon, you can get them shipped to your house for free. Sometimes, if you live in a big city, you might even get your stuff on the same day you order it. This is really handy if you need something quickly and don’t want to pay extra money for shipping.

Amazon Prime isn’t just about shipping, though. It also lets you watch movies and TV shows on Amazon Prime Video, just like Netflix. Then, you can listen to a lots of songs without ads on Prime Music, and if you like video games, Prime Gaming gives you free games and other cool things for games.

And also, if you are person who like to read, Amazon Prime has stuff for you too. Prime Reading lets you read ebooks, magazines, and more without having to pay for each one. Plus, every month, you can get a new book for free before it’s officially released to everyone else.

For families, especially if you have a baby, Amazon Prime helps you save money on things like diapers. And once a year, Amazon has a big sale day just for Prime members where you can get deals on all sorts of things.

You can also share your Prime membership with another person in your house, like your partner, so both of you can enjoy the benefits.

Amazon Prime tries to make shopping easier and give you lots of fun stuff to watch, listen to, and play. They want to make sure that paying for Prime feels worth it because you get more than just free shipping. You can try it out for free at first to see if you like it before you decide to pay for it.

2. Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle is a term that can refer to several things related to reading digital books, or eBooks. Here is a simple breakdown of what Amazon Kindle can mean:

Kindle Devices

Amazon Kindle

These are the actual electronic gadgets that Amazon sells for reading eBooks. They are like small tablets, but their screens look more like real paper, which makes them great for reading, even in bright sunlight. They are just for reading books, so they don’t have the distractions or eye strain that can come with using a phone or tablet.

Kindle App

Amazon Kindle app

If you don’t have a Kindle device, you can still read Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer by downloading the Kindle app. This app turns your device into a book reader, and you can buy, download, and read eBooks from Amazon’s huge library.

Kindle eBooks

Amazon Kindle e-books

This refers to the digital versions of books that you can buy from Amazon’s Kindle Store. There are millions of books available, from the latest bestsellers to classics. Once you buy a Kindle eBook, you can read it on a Kindle device or through the Kindle app on other devices.

Kindle Unlimited

This is a subscription service that lets you read as many books as you want from a large selection of the Kindle library. You pay a monthly fee and can choose from thousands of books, including many genres and some audiobooks too.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

So, this path is for writers and authors, Kindle Direct Publishing is a way to publish their books directly to the Kindle Store. This means they can write a book and sell it as a Kindle eBook without needing a traditional publisher.

So, whenever someone says “Amazon Kindle,” they could be talking about the devices you can use to read eBooks, the app that lets you read on your phone or tablet, the eBooks themselves, the subscription service, or the self-publishing platform for authors. It is all about reading and enjoying books in a digital format.

3. Amazon Music

Amazon music

Amazon Music is Amazon’s streaming platform where you can listen to music. Just like other music services, it lets you find your favorite songs, albums, and artists, and you can listen to them over the internet. Here is a closer look at what Amazon Music offers:

Amazon Music Free

This is a version of Amazon Music you can use without paying anything, but it has ads that play between songs, like a radio station. You can listen to a bunch of different stations and playlists that have songs grouped by genre, mood, or activity.

Amazon Music Prime

As i mentioned above, that if you have an Amazon Prime membership, you get access to Amazon Music Prime as part of the deal. This service is better than the free version because it doesn’t have ads, and it has a bigger selection of songs you can choose from. However, it doesn’t have every song ever made; it is a smaller library than what you would get if you paid just for music.

Amazon Music Unlimited

This is the full deal. Amazon Music Unlimited is a subscription service where you pay every month to get access to all the songs Amazon Music has, which is a lot — they say it’s around 100 million songs. You can listen to any song you want, make your own playlists, and you won’t hear any ads. Plus, you get to use cool features like being able to skip as many songs as you want and listen to music offline by downloading it.

Amazon Music HD

For people who are really into high-quality sound, Amazon Music HD offers music in HD and Ultra HD, which means the songs sound clearer and crisper, almost like listening to a CD or vinyl record. It’s for audiophiles who want the best sound when they’re listening to music.

How to Use Amazon Music

You can listen to Amazon Music on many devices — your phone, tablet, computer, and on Amazon Echo devices. You can start listening by downloading the Amazon Music app or going to the Amazon Music website.

4. Amazon Audible

Amazon Audible

Amazon Audible is a service that provides audiobooks, which are recorded versions of books that you can listen to. Here’s a detailed look at what Amazon Audible offers:

Subscription Plans

Audible has different subscription plans. When you sign up, you usually get a monthly or yearly credit system where each credit can be exchanged for an audiobook, regardless of its price. Some plans allow you to get more credits or access special sales where audiobooks may be cheaper.

Audiobook Library

Audible has a huge number of titles across various genres, from bestsellers and new releases to classics and more. You can find fiction, non-fiction, self-help, business, sci-fi, romance, and everything in between.

Audible Originals

As an Audible subscriber, you also get access to exclusive content called Audible Originals. These are audiobooks, series, and podcasts that you can’t find anywhere else.

Listening Experience

You can listen to audiobooks on many devices, like phones, tablets, computers, and Amazon Echo devices. The Audible app also lets you adjust playback speed, set a sleep timer, and bookmark parts of the audiobook.

Other Features

  • Whispersync: If you also have the Kindle eBook, you can switch between reading and listening without losing your place.
  • Returns: Audible has a Great Listen Guarantee, which allows you to return an audiobook if you didn’t enjoy it and get your credit back.
  • Sharing: With Amazon Household, you can share your audiobooks with other family members.


Audible makes it easy for people who are visually impaired or those who prefer listening over reading to enjoy books. It’s also great for multitasking, like listening while you’re driving, cooking, or working out.

Free Trial

Audible usually offers a free trial period. During this time, you can get one or more audiobooks for free to keep, even if you cancel the subscription later.


After the free trial, you pay a monthly fee for your subscription, which includes one or more credits for audiobooks. If you run out of credits, you can buy audiobooks at full price or wait for your next credit. Sometimes, there are member-only sales and discounts.

5. Amazon Appstore

The Amazon Appstore is Amazon’s own digital distribution service for mobile applications and games, tailored primarily for Amazon’s lineup of devices but also available for other Android devices. It serves as an alternative to Google’s Play Store on Android devices and offers a variety of apps and games, including some that are exclusive to the Amazon platform. Here’s a detailed look at the Amazon Appstore:

Device Compatibility

Originally designed for Amazon’s Fire tablets and Fire TV, the Amazon Appstore can also be installed on other Android devices. However, it is not available by default on non-Amazon devices, and users typically need to follow specific instructions to install it.

App and Game Selection

The Amazon Appstore provides a wide range of apps and games, from popular titles to niche applications developed by smaller studios. Users can browse categories or search for specific apps.

Amazon Coins

Amazon has a virtual currency called Amazon Coins that users can purchase and use to buy apps, games, and in-app items in the Amazon Appstore, often at a discount compared to paying with real money.

Exclusive Content

Amazon Appstore occasionally offers exclusive apps and games that are not available on other platforms. This exclusivity can sometimes make it an appealing choice for users looking for specific content.

Amazon FreeTime Unlimited

There is also a special part called Amazon FreeTime Unlimited for kids. It js full of fun and safe things for kids to do, and parents can control what their kids see and use.

App Submission for Developers

Developers can submit their apps to the Amazon Appstore through the Amazon Developer Console. Amazon provides various tools and resources to help developers create, test, and distribute their apps.

User Experience

The Amazon Appstore has its own user interface that’s optimized for Amazon devices but may look and feel different on other Android devices. Users can leave reviews, rate apps, and enjoy a tailored experience based on their preferences and previous downloads.

6. Amazon Prime Gaming

Amazon prime gaming

Amazon Prime Gaming is a cool part of Amazon Prime that gives people who play video games some nice extra stuff. It’s like a special club for gamers. When you have Amazon Prime, you get Prime Gaming at no extra cost. Here’s what it gives you:

Free Games

Every month, you can get free games that you can keep forever. Yep, once you claim them, they’re yours to play anytime.

In-Game Loot

For lots of popular games, Prime Gaming gives you free stuff inside the game, like skins, characters, boosts, and other goodies.

Twitch Perks

Prime Gaming is buddies with Twitch, the place where lots of people watch and stream games. You get a free Twitch channel subscription each month, which means you can support your favorite streamer without paying extra. Plus, you won’t see ads when you watch them.

Member Access

Sometimes, Prime Gaming has special offers like early access to new games or beta versions that regular players don’t get.

Easy to Use

You just go to the Prime Gaming website, log in with your Amazon Prime account, and start grabbing your free games and loot.


You need to be an Amazon Prime member to get all this stuff, but if you’re already using Prime for shopping or watching shows, Prime Gaming is a nice bonus.

7. Amazon Photos

Amazon Photos

Amazon Photos is a service that lets you store, organize, and share your digital photos and videos. It is like a safe place on the internet where you can keep all your favorite memories. Here is what you will get with Amazon Photos:

Storage Space

If you have Amazon Prime, you get unlimited full-resolution photo storage. This means that you can upload as many pictures as you want and they won’t get squished down to a smaller size. You also get 5 GB of video storage.

If you are not a Prime member, you will still get 5 GB for free, which you can use for photos or videos.

Safe and Secure

Your photos and videos are kept safe on Amazon’s servers. This means that even if your phone or computer breaks, you won’t lose your pictures. You just need to go online to see them again.

Easy to Use

You can upload photos from your computer, phone, or tablet. Once they’re uploaded, you can see them from any device by going to the Amazon Photos website or using the Amazon Photos app.


Amazon Photos has tools to help you organize your pictures. It can sort them by date or place, or you can make your own albums. This makes it easy to find the picture you’re looking for.


You can share your photos and videos with your friends and family. You can send them a link, or if they also use Amazon Photos, you can share albums directly with them.

Prints and Gifts

If you want, you can order prints of your photos, or put them on things like mugs or phone cases, directly through Amazon Photos.

So, Amazon Photos is like a digital photo album that lets you keep all your pictures and videos in one place online, so you can look at them whenever you want and share them with the people you care about.

8. Amazon Web Services

Amazon web services

Amazon Web Services, often abbreviated as AWS, is a big collection of services provided by Amazon that offer computing power, storage space, and various tools to help businesses and individuals run their websites and applications over the internet.

Think of AWS like a massive power station, but instead of electricity, it provides the ‘power‘ needed to run online services and store information. Here is a breakdown of what AWS offers:

Servers on Demand

AWS allows you to rent computers to run your own applications. These are virtual computers, which means you don’t physically have them, but they work the same way as a desktop or laptop.


Just like you store files on your computer or phone, AWS provides space to store files and data securely on its servers. You can keep all sorts of data there and access it whenever you need to.


AWS offers databases, which are like sophisticated spreadsheets where you can store and manage your data. These are especially useful for businesses that need to sort through lots of information quickly, like customer details or sales records.

Content Delivery

AWS has a service that helps deliver your content quickly to people around the world. It’s like a global delivery system that makes sure your website or app loads quickly, no matter where the person using it is located.


AWS provides security to keep your data safe. It’s like having a strong lock on your door, making sure that only people with the key (or the right permissions) can access your data.


One of the biggest benefits of AWS is that it can grow with your needs. If your website gets really popular and you suddenly have a lot of visitors, AWS can handle that increase in traffic. And if things get quiet, you can scale down again. You only pay for what you use.

Tools for Developers

AWS offers tools that make it easier for developers to create and manage applications. These tools can do things like handle user sign-ups, process data, and even use artificial intelligence to add cool features.


If you have a website or an app, it needs to live somewhere on the internet. AWS can host it for you, which means they provide the technology and services needed to allow users to see and use your website or app.

9. Amazon Luna

Amazon Luna is Amazon’s cloud gaming service. “Cloud gaming” means that you can play video games over the internet without needing a powerful computer or a gaming console. The games actually run on Amazon’s powerful computers far away, and the video of the game is sent to your screen. It is like watching a movie on a streaming service, but you can control what happens in the movie. Here is more about Amazon Luna:

No Need for Expensive Hardware

Since the games run on Amazon’s servers, you don’t need to buy the latest gaming console or upgrade your computer. You can play games on devices you already have, like a PC, Mac, or even your phone or tablet.

Play Instantly

With Luna, you don’t have to wait for big game files to download or install. You can just click and start playing almost immediately, which is much faster than traditional gaming where you might wait for hours for a game to get ready.

Library of Games

Amazon Luna offers a variety of games to choose from. They have a library of titles, and you can play games from different genres like action, adventure, platformers, and more. You subscribe to the service and get access to a range of games included in your subscription.

Different Channels

Amazon Luna has something called “channels.” These are like TV channels, but for games. You can subscribe to different channels that offer different selections of games. Some are general, while others might focus on a specific type of game or games from a certain company.

Save Your Progression

Your game progress is saved on the cloud, which means you can start playing on one device and then pick up where you left off on another device. This is handy if you like to switch between devices.


You can use a mouse and keyboard or a game controller to play games on Luna. Amazon also made a special Luna Controller that connects directly to the cloud for a more responsive gaming experience, but you don’t have to use it.

Internet Connection

To use Luna, you need a good internet connection because the games are streamed over the internet. If your internet is slow or not reliable, the games might not play as smoothly.

Amazon Luna is like a “Netflix for games.” You pay to access a library of games, and you can play them on different devices without needing to own a gaming console or a high-end computer. It’s designed to make gaming more accessible and convenient for everyone.


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